This is an upgrade for the brake pedal for nearly all Logitech Wheels (G29, G920, G27, G25). It replaces the stock, linear spring in the brake pedal cylinder. This is a simple, fully reversible modification.
Variable Spring Rate
By “varying” the pitch, or the centre to centre distance between the coils, the spring has a variable spring rate meaning that the resistance of the spring increases with the spring deflection. This is done by lessening the amount of active energy-absorbing coils as they become inactive and no longer absorb energy during compression. Because some of the coils close up faster than the others, the spring, in turn, becomes stiffer, and the rate increases. All Logitech wheels come with pedals that use linear springs and a rubber block that should simulate the change over from braking to full on locking. While it is possible to get used to this, it requires you to learn and remember the exact position of that changeover point. However, for most people it is much easier to feel the point of that changeover and therefore be able to dosage the brakes much more precisely. For that reason you will never find a linear brake pedal feel in a real car.
The spring upgrade is fully compatible with PlayStation, Xbox and PC. Since all springs in the Logitech pedals are identical in size, you can also use our spring in the throttle and clutch pedal.
G923 Owners
Please note this mod is not needed for the G923 as those already have this updated spring installed.